
记住,“我是中国人”不是“I'm a Chinese”!

最英语 2024-01-09

如何用英语正确地表达出 “我是一个中国人” ?

到底是I'm a Chinese还是I'm Chinese?不少人其实搞混了Chinese的用法。


I'm Chinese. (✓)

I'm a Chinese. (✕)


☞ 当它作为形容词时,在词典中的英文释义是:

relating to China, its people, or its language


所以当我们说I'm Chinese意思是“我是具有中国国籍的”(=我是中国人)

如果用a,记住这个公式:I'm a Chinese+名词,意思是我是一个中国的xxx。比如:

I'm a Chinese boy/girl/citizen. 


I'm a Chinese athlete. 


☞ 当它作为名词时,在词典中的英文释义是:

①  the Chinese:people from China


②the language of China 


③(informal)a meal of Chinese food, or a restaurant that sells Chinese food 


所以作名词时,它的正确表达也是:I'm Chinese. 我是中国人。

为什么不加a呢?因为Chinese是集体名词,不能加a(n),所以I'm a Chinese 这个说法是错误的。


I am Chinese. 


Jack is Canadian. 

My wife is American.





Never underestimate awakening of Chinese people


Global Times2020/5/18(节选)
I live in Wangjing, a quite internationalized area in Beijing. Many Fortune 500 companies are headquartered there, and 10 percent of the around 600,000 residents are expats. Every weekend, I take walks in Wangjing's many parks to exercise and watch the changes in the city.

CET6 考研 IELTS TOEFL TEM8underestimate /ˌʌn.dəˈres.tɪ.meɪt/①低估;(对…)估计不足to fail to guess or understand the real cost, size, difficulty, etc. of something【例句】Never underestimate what you can learn from a group of like-minded people. [VERB wh]千万不要低估你从一群志趣相投的人那里所能学到的东西。②低估,轻视(尤指竞争对手)to fail to understand how strong, skilful, intelligent or determined someone, especially a competitor is【例句】Never underestimate your opponent! 永远不要低估你的对手!【近义辨析】degrade, underestimate, alleviate, minimize:degrade: 使降级,降低价值,降解,堕落underestimate: 低估,看低alleviate: 减少,主要指将(痛苦等)减轻;minimize: 最小化,将……减到最小 拓展词汇expat /ˌeksˈpæt/ n.(informal)居住在国外的人;侨民an expatriatetake walks散步to go for a walk


There have been no new confirmed cases of COVID-19 for a month in many Chinese cities. Wangjing, the internationalized area, is supposed to ease the epidemic control measures. But Wangjing's residents, including many expats, are cautious. They continue to wear masks and guard against second wave of infections.

高考 CET4 考研 TEM4guard against sth防止…发生to prevent something from happening【例句】Exercise can guard against a number of illnesses.运动可预防许多疾病。
This is not only happening in Wangjing. More than 2,800 counties nationwide and 1.4 billion Chinese are doing this too. As long as the government does not officially announce lifting the ban, people will always exercise discipline. Even if their residential areas have never reported an infection case, they will continue to make their own sacrifices for epidemic prevention and control.
This stands in comparison with the US where an average of 20,000 daily cases have emerged for two consecutive months, the public in many states cannot bear stay-at-home order. Certain people even go to the street to protest control measures. Some even refuse to wear masks and flock to the beach. Some cities are even starting to prepare large-scale sporting events.

CET4 考研 IELTS TEM4 TEM8 GREby/in comparison (with sb/sth) (与…)相比较when compared with sb/sth 【例句】The second half of the game was dull by comparison with the first.与上半场相比,比赛的下半场有些沉闷。 
Medical statistics show that the infection rate in a society where people are disciplined to wear masks is 50 times lower than in places where half of the people do not wear masks. Analysts tend to compare the governance abilities of both the Chinese and US governments, but ignore the differences of cultures between the two societies.
But wise Chinese people have perfectly combined their domestic cultural traditions with foreign ideologies. They have balanced this delicate relationship between freedom and restriction, market and government, reform and stability, capital and welfare, and individualism and collectivism. Every time when our country faces difficulties, those cultural characteristics that benefit China's development will be highlighted.

高考 CET4 考研 IELTS TOEFL TEM8combine...with.../kəmˈbaɪn/①(使)结合;(使)组合 to come together to form a single thing or group; to join two or more things or groups together to form a single one【例句】Diets are most effective when combined with exercise.节食和锻炼相结合是最有效的。②兼办,兼做,同时做(两种活动)to do two different activities at the same time 【例句】She manages to successfully combine family life and/with a career. 她成功地做到了家庭事业两不误。


